lunes, 19 de abril de 2010


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Buenas noticias para los forofos del fútbol, y para sus parejas que se ven arrastradas a verlo...¡TAMBIÉN! Ellos podrán ver los partidos como si estuvieran en el lugar más privilegiado del Camp Nou y ellas... tener a los jugadores más cerca que nunca en 3D. Para los que no estén todavía informados... Canal + pretende emitir partidos en tres dimensiones, aunque el primer paso será la emisión de un concierto de Bunbury.

Tal y como ha publicado Europa Press, el día 29 de mayo se emitirá un concierto de Bunbury en 3D. Esto quizás nos lleve a plantearnos que dentro de unos años en cada hogar haya una televisión equipada para ver nuestras series favoritas en tres dimensiones. Es decir, puede que estas televisiones tan modernas que incluyen el dicho aparatito llamado TDT tengan que ser sustituidas por otras mucho mejores que prácticamente nos trasladen al lugar que estamos viendo.

La relación entre la serie Lost y Bunbury se debe a que el escenario de algunas de las canciones de Bunbury será similar al de la serie, un avión estrellado en un desierto. Tendremos que esperar a su emisión para sentirnos por una vez dentro de la misteriosa isla.

La tecnología evoluciona a pasos agigantados...

Aquí está el link de la noticia de Europa Press para quienes no se hayan enterado y quieran saber más:

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


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Fist of all click on this video and then go on reading... :D

Maybe you think that it isn't related with the digital era, but if we turn on the TV and watch the news we'll understand that it isn't just a new song. As we can see this has became famous because of a TV program and internet downloads.

When the program "El Club del Chiste" began with this song on their masthead lots of people began to look after it through the Internet, and now it sounds everywhere. For instance, today it has appeared in Antena 3 news, you can see it in this link:

This example shows Internet's power, an unknown person such as Robert Ramírez is going to release a CD because "Sick of love" has been a hit in the Intenet.


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First of all here there's a link which explains what does participatory journalism means:

In this article it's said that blogging isn't journalism because there isn't an editor. But, actually, some bloggers inform before journaists. This concept is easy to understand, but there's a debate. Should a citizen act as a journalist? This is an endless problem related with blogs.

This is a Spanish example of Citizen journalism:

In this video Ander Stenbäck afirms that anyone can be a journalist. It also talks abaut a way of participatory jornalism: the Mobile Citizen Reporter.

sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Social Networks & journalists

3 comentarios
Nowadays everyone can act as a journalist easily with Social Networks. Now I'd like to set out some questions:

- Is it necesary to be a journalist to inform the rest? If it is not, why does the degree exist?

- Do people belive more a journalist or a person who writes in his blog or in Twitter?

- Do we really belive what we read in that events from Facebook or Tuenti?

I'm really hooked on Social Networks but I don't trust in people who I don't know. So like I use them so as to talk to my friends, I don't get so much information from them.

I've looked for other points of view about this relation between Social Networks and journalists and I've discovered some things. This is a really interesting link about S.N. and journalists:

Here there are some useful Social Networks for journalists. I have changed my opinion after reading it, now I think that some of them are useful for journalists (such as Wired Journalists or Ning), but not those which we use to be in touch with our friends.

Here there's other video which explain how Twitter works, it's really funny, belive me.

Here there are more links with videos about this matter:





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